
Market surveys

Analysis at both macro and micro level. How are the state finances and the external accounts in the country? Any major investment projects underway? How is your particular field of business developed in the country? Consumption patterns and preferences? Competition? What lessons can be learned from other market entrants? Or from the development in neighbouring countries? By doing the homework properly a lot of time and money can be saved! Maybe a well-prepared study visit could be a good starting point?

Advisory services

Which strategy is optimal in the target-country? And what tactics should be employed for maximum success? Differences in culture and language – even within a country, invisible hurdles, history, tradition, financial strength, contacts and networks – many factors can influence the choice of profile and which strategy is the most successful.

Partner search

How do we proceed? Where, and how, do we find the customers? Should the sales be conducted through an agent or through several dealers? How do we find a suitable distribution solution? Should a local sales office be established? Or should even an existing local company be acquired? The due diligence process – everything from checking real ownership to true financial standing. How will we create the best foundation for a long-term co-operation? Interested in finding suppliers of cost- and energy-efficient equipment? Swedish and Scandinavian companies can offer world-leading and advanced technology!

Establishment & Recruitment

Both selecting the right partners as well as local staff, may prove decisive in the success of your venture. Also the ability to navigate your way through the local bureaucracy, contacts with authorities and handle formal administration in a correct manner, are cornerstones for a successful establishment. Personal contacts and recommendations open up these and many other doors far more easily. Through an excellent network, built up over decades, Heinz Sjogren Consulting, can offer trustworthy personal contacts in most counties in FSU.

Payments & Financing

In business with new and unknown counterparts, especially in foreign markets, payments should be secured. If not by advance payments, traditional banking instruments like letters of credit, collection orders or bank guarantees can offer security – but then the choice of bank is of the utmost importance.

In large transactions or projects it is often essential to be able to offer financing, in order to win the contract. In many cases, and in tough competition, this point can be crucial. External financing may be obtained from various sources – public financing, private equity or venture capital, commercial banks or multilateral financial institutions, like EBRD.

Heinz Sjogren Consulting has decades of experience from the banking world, with a particular focus on these issues. We possess a wide network of contacts into local banking systems, as well as with western and international banks. "Financial engineering" is a speciality!

Negotiations & Contracts

Also here the differences in language, culture, experience etc. play a significant role. Heinz Sjogren Consulting can offer assistance both in the initial discussions, the negotiation process and in the contract writing – in a number of languages (Swedish, English, German, Russian, Azeri, Georgian, Kazakh, and others if needed).


After having arranged several business seminars and giving many lectures Heinz Sjogren Consulting can offer various types of education and inspiration, both internally within your organization, as well as at external events. Topics can include everything from cultural differences between countries to specific training in different steps of foreign trade.


Do you need to find a good representative in FSU or in Central & Eastern Europe? Or do you need to find a good representative in Sweden or Scandinavia? Permanent or on a part-time basis? Sweden offers a very good and safe business climate, with a well-functioning bureaucracy, which can be a suitable platform for business within the EU! Maybe, initially just a flexible contact point for small, practical matters?

Management & Board

Maybe, due to formal and legal requirements, you need a local citizen as a representative on your board (in Sweden or in FSU). Heinz Sjogren Consulting can take on such assignments, or assist in searching for suitable candidates. We can also engage in specific tasks in management or at project level – from advisory to problem-solving functions.


With our own vast experience of doing business in Eastern Europe and with a broad network of contacts in especially FSU, Heinz Sjogren Consulting is well equipped to offer assistance in all aspects of international business. Trustworthy and experienced local Representatives – in many cases speaking Swedish and being familiar with Swedish conditions and business culture – are standing by to assist.

In this part of the world, business is to a high degree generated through personal contacts and recommendations. "Sweden" and "Swedish" carry a lot of weight, but still distances are perceived as being too far. By combining Competence and Connections, Heinz Sjogren Consulting is aiming to become the Companion for Swedish companies and organizations to gain a more prominent position in these rapidly developing economies. And of course, the opposite, i.e. to assist companies in FSU in attaining more contacts and co-operation with Sweden and Scandinavia. In short, to build more bridges, open up new doors and be your expert guide and companion on the road to a successful business! Try us!

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Through first-rate co-operation partners, specialized in other parts of the world, there is also the possibility of securing assistance in other locations. We would be glad to mediate a contact!